When the sun rose, Hansel and Gretel went looking for the breadcrumbs,


but they couldn't find them anywhere.


“Oh no! The birds and the mice must have eaten the breadcrumbs!”

“How will we go home now? ”


Hansel and Gretel walked and walked through the forest, hoping to find someone who could help them.


After some time Hansel and Gretel came across a marvellous house.


It was made of gingerbread and decorated with chocolates, gumdrops and a bunch of other sweets.


“Look at that house, Hansel It's made of our favorite sweets.”


“Mmm, It looks so yummy. “


The two children were so hungry that they broke off big pieces of the house and started eating them.


An old woman came out of the house, she smiled when she saw Hansel and Gretel.


“You poor children, you must be very hungry, come in, I'll give you some hot milk to drink.


Hansel and Gretel went into the old woman's house where she fed them very nicely.


“Drink as much as you like, children. Don't be shy, there's plenty.”


When Hansel and Gretel had finished they told the old woman that they wanted to go home.


“Thank you for feeding us, can you tell us how we can go home now.”


The old woman laughed , “Home, Never! You two are staying here, so that I can eat you up!”


“Huh”, poor Hansel and Gretel, the old woman had trapped them.


By the time the children realized that the old woman was a child-eating witch who had built a house of sweets to trap them. It was too late.


The old witch locked Hansel up in a cage,


“ You stay here boy, until you are plump enough for me to eat.”


The witch then turned to Gretel,“You, my dear, work for me now.”


She made Gretel cook,clean,wash and scrub.


In the mornings the old witch would check to see if Hansel was plump enough to eat,


“ Show me your finger, Hansel, let's see how plump you are. ”


Knowing the old witch didn't see well, Hansel would trick her by holding out a chicken bone.


“Ah! You are still too skinny.”


One morning, the witch was feeling very hungry. Angrily, she called out to Gretel.


“Gretel, today I am going to eat Hansel for breakfast, fill up the big pot with boiling watet, I will make a nice Hansel soup.”


Poor Gretel She didn't know what to do.


She knew she had to save Hansel and so thought of a plan as she was putting the pot of water to boil.


After some time, the old witch came to see if the water in the pot was boiling,


“ Is the water boiling yet I'm ready to eat. ”


“Uh, I'm not sure. I can't see inside the pot ,It's too high for me.”


The witch was so eager to eat Hansel that she climbed up on the stove and peeped inside the pot


Clever little Gretel then pushed the old witch into the pot with all her might


The old witch fell into the boiling water,


and Gretel closed the lid.


She then unlocked the cage and let Hansel out,


“ The old witch is gone, Hansel, we can go home now.” “ Hooray!”


Not only was the witch gone, but Hansel and Gretel found a pot full of gold coins in the witch's house.


“We'll be able to buy plenty of food with this.”


After walking for a very long time, Hansel and Gretel, finally found their way out of the forest.


When they reached home, their father was waiting for them.


“ Children, I'm so happy to see you, thank goodness you've come back, “


“I've kicked your stepmother out of the house. She will never bother us again.”


Hansel and Gretel showed their father the gold coins they had found. He was delighted.


The three of them were never short of money again,


and they all lived happily ever after.
