

Stan Lee is a pop culture titan, with a career that spans eight decades, he"s been around long enough to see characters he co-created become household names, a roster that includes Spider-Man, the X-man, the Hulk,and more.

斯坦·李是流行文化巨人,80年的从业生涯,足以让他看着自己创作的角色变得家喻户晓。包括蜘蛛侠 X战警 绿巨人等等。

His journey has been remarkable, but it might not be what you"d expect from the smiling spokesman for Marvel Comics.

他的一生传奇而伟大,但这位“漫威之父”的一生 可并不如你想的那样顺利。

Lee was born Stanley Martin Lieber, the son of Jewish immigrants from Romania.


As a student, he worked odd jobs to help his family get through the tail end of the Great Depression, including delivering sandwiches in Manhattan, afar cry from his dreams of writing sci-fi novels.


Not long after graduating high school at 16, however, he got a job at a company run by one of his relatives, Martin Goodman. . . a little place called Timely Comics.


When he joined up with Timely Comics in 1939, Stan Lieber thought that his job as an errand boy would be a stepping stone to a career as a novelist.


Needless to say, things turned out a little differently.


In 1941, Stan was assigned to write a text-only story as filler for Captain America Comics #3.


For this story, Captain America Foils the Traitor"s Revenge he used the pseudonym Stan Lee, intending to save his real name for his future career as a serious novelist.

在写《美国队长挫败叛徒的复仇》时,他用的是笔名 斯坦·李,就是为了留着真名来写以后的严肃小说。

Within months, the imaginative new kid was off creating superheroes of his own, with names like Jack Frost and Father Time.


Just before Lee turned 19, Captain America"s creators, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, left over a dispute with Goodman, and Lee was named interim editor.

就在李将满19岁之时,《美国队长》的创造者乔·西蒙和杰克·科比,与古德曼发生争执 李被任命为临时编辑。

Before his career could really take off, though, World War II would force him into a brief detour.


Stan Lee joined the U. S. Army in 1942, where his talent with words led to assignments writing training manuals and slogans for posters.

1942年 斯坦·李应征进入美国陆军,因为文笔好,他分配到了撰写训练手册和海报标语的工作。

Before long, he ended up in the Army"s Training Film Division writing scripts, and, as he would later recount, he was one of only nine people in the entire Army whose title was listed as "playwright"


While serving in the army, Stan continued to send in scripts for Timely"s popular titles, and when the war ended, Lee, only 23 years old, reclaimed the job as editor, and wouldn"t give it up for decades.


But not before thinking about quitting entirely. . .


By the 1950s, controversy over the content in comic books had been raging for years, to the point where publishers like MAD Magazine"s Bill Gaines were called to testify before the senate.

到了20世纪50年代 ,“漫画有害论”已经持续了很多年。曾经一度《疯狂杂志》的出版商威廉·盖恩斯都被传唤到参议院,

The result was the Comics Code, a strict set of regulations that put several publishers out of business, and limited the kinds of stories creators could tell.

最后 “漫画管理准则”应运而生。这套严格的规章制度逼的几家出版商接连破产,也限制了创作者可讲述的故事类型。

Faced with declining sales, a lack of respect for comics, and the restrictions of the Code, Lee was demoralized enough to quit. Fortunately, his wife Joan convinced him to try something new.

面对销售下滑 亵渎漫画 以及管理准则的诸多限制,李意志消沉到想要放弃,幸好他的妻子琼安说服他去尝试一些新的东西。

Inspired by their competition"s recent success with putting their biggest heroes into a team book called Justice League of America,


Stan formed a team of his own, partnering with Jack Kirby to create the Fantastic Four.


In November of 1961, the rebranded Marvel Comics launched with Fantastic Four #1, introducing readers to a superhero team that combines sci-fi origins with relatable personalities.

1961年11月漫威漫画重新命名为《神奇四侠》发表了第一期,给读者介绍了一个 带有科幻性质和可靠人格的超级英雄团队。

In between battling super villains and interdimensioned threats, the team bickered, fought, and acted like you"d expect regular, flawed people with superpowers to act.

在与超级恶棍和多维度威胁的斗争中,他们斗嘴、打架。如你所期望的那样 他们其实就是一群具有超能力的普通凡人。

The immediate success led Goodman to order basically as many new characters and comic books as Lee, Kirby, and the other Marvel artists could come up with.

突如其来的成功,让古德曼随机买下了李、科比, 还有其他漫威画手创作出的新人物和漫画连载,

Before long, the Marvel Bullpen was known to the world, with Stan "the Man" Lee"s jovial editorials making him the friendly face of the Marvel Age of Comics.


As a kid, Stan Lee had been a fan of a pulp magazine character called the Spider, which gave him the idea to approach Goodman about introducing a teen character with spider-themed powers.

小时候 斯坦·李曾是一个三流杂志角色“蜘蛛”的粉丝,于是他向古德曼推介了一个人物构象,一个拥有类蜘蛛能力的青少年。

Lee would later recall that this idea was met with some pretty big skepticism from Goodman.

李后来回忆说 这个想法遭到了古德曼相当大的质疑,

"Nobody wanted me to do it!My publisher, when I suggested the idea, he said, "That"s the worst thing I ever heard of. ""

“没有人支持我这么做 ,我的出版商在我提出这个建议时说,这是我听过最烂的想法。“



"People hate spiders!"


Rather than risking a whole new series on the wild idea, Lee instead decided to try his character out in Amazing Fantasy, a series that was due to be canceled anyway.


With Kirby proving to be a bad fit for the character, artist Steve Ditko tooka crack at it instead, and the world was introduced to Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man.


After Amazing Fantasy #15 went flying off the shelves, Spidey was quickly given his own series, paving the way for another wave of Marvel heroes.


By the 21st century, the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be breaking box office records, but Marvel"s, and Stan"s, original road to Hollywood was actually a lot more difficult than they expected.

到了21世纪 漫威宇宙电影屡屡打破票房记录。但漫威和斯坦通向好莱坞的道路,比他们期望的要艰难许多。

In the "70s, there were plenty of attempts at bringing Marvel properties to television.

在70年代 很多人想把漫威漫画推向电视界,

The Amazing Spider-Man debuted on CBS as a TV movie in 1977, and while the technical limitations were obvious, fans seemed thrilled to have a live-action version of the webslinger airing in prime time.

1977年 《神奇蜘蛛侠》在CBS台作为电视电影节目初次登场,虽然技术上的短板是显而易见的,但粉丝能在黄金时段看到活灵活现的蜘蛛侠很是激动。

It didn"t last, though.CBS pulled the plug after 13 episodes because of its more successful Marvel adaptation,The Incredible Hulk.

可好景不长,节目在13集之后,就被CBS砍了 因为出现了更成功的漫改电视 ,《无敌浩克》

Featuring Bill Bixby as Dr. Banner and Lou Ferrigno as his rampaging alter ego,The Incredible Hulk aired for five season, and helped to cement the character in the pop culture consciousness.

比尔·贝克比饰演班纳博士 卢·弗里基诺饰演狂躁的“另我”版本,《无敌浩克》播出了五季,塑造了这个流行文化意识中的人物形象。

Unfortunately, the attempts at launching Doctor Strange and Captain America through TV movies didn"t work out, and Marvel"s hard luck got worse when the entire comics industry hit a slump in the "90s.

然而 《奇异博士》和《美国队长》拍成的电视电影,反响却不是很好,在整个漫画产业都发展不顺的90年代 漫威也举步维艰。

Through it all, though, Stan continued to be an ambassador for the brand,and while it had been years since he"d actually been an editor at Marvel, anew wave of Marvel films in 2000 led to what has today become his signature: the well-placed cameo.


"Superheroes in New York? Gimme a break."


Since the beginning of Marvel rise to pop culture dominance over 50 years ago,Stan Lee"s face and personality have only grown more associated with the brand.


He"s lent his voice to video games and cartoons, appeared in almost every Marvel movie, and even writes the occasional new comics story for Marvel.


It all became possible because a creative kid with an illustrious background in sandwich delivery and a struggling young industry took a chance on each other, and because of Joan Lee, the greatest advice-giver there ever was.


